Sree Nutrix LS has been developed in the luqid form for the Cotton, Chilli, Citrus and other multiple crops.
The above fruiting crops are very important cash crops in the upland areas where water availability is very less. Farmers neglects the balanced fertilizer application by neglecting the micronutrients applications. These crops consume lot of Zinc and ferrous along with Boron to maintain the full strength in the plants. On missing of these elements the crop quality totally damages. To help the farmers Sree Nutrix LS for cotton, chillin, citrus and other crops is specially designed in liquid form (Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Boron and Molybdenum) as per the AP & TS Micronutrient formulations No. 6 Sree Nutrix LS for cotton, chilli, citrus and other crops totally gives the solution in rectification of micronutrient deficiencies .
Directions for Use: Gently dissolve 250ml of Sree Nutrix LS in 100 – 125 liters water and spray on both sides of the leaves for one acre. The first spray recommended 10days after flower initiation. Second sprary afer fruit setting and 3rd spray when fruit formation starts.
For sale in AP & TS (AP & TS Formulation 6)
Min Nutrient Analysts (%w/w)
Recommended to Use on Cotton, Chilli, Citrus and other multiple crops
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